Weekend sekarang, tepatnya hari minggu (26 Februari 2012) walaupun tidak ada teman yang ngajakin main atau camping tetap saja weekend adalah waktunya hobby, play and having fun so siapkan perlengkapan. :)
So, no more place that i like much and near to my house than my playground. Ups, actually this is not my own playground land just because it's near my house and i see just me that actually play this here and sometimes i invite my friends here too, just for sport and exercise. Although it's just a watergate, but i think it's useful for bouldering exercise. Furthermore, actually not just on weekend i go here, at afternoon when i free i go for my fun..hehehe
Salam Keceriaan dan Berbagi Keceriaan...^_^
by author zre
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